The Science Behind Weight Gain

Weight gain is such a frustrating thing. Most people don't realise that their weight is getting out of hand as it's happening. There's usually a moment of shock as a favourite shirt doesn't close or someone finally musters up the courage to comment about the way you look. That moment where you can no longer [...]

What I Learned From My Dad's Health

I once asked a friend of mine if he was happy that I completed the same course as him at university one year ahead of him. His answer was "yes, because you showed me what not to do!" Thanks Gary. That comment always stuck with me...not because he was wrong (I never had the best [...]

Understanding High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Fat loss is one of the major reasons that individuals take up exercise. However, traditional training methods have relied on “steady state” aerobic type exercise to no avail. Current research indicates that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) may be more advantageous in achieving health benefits. University of NSW Associate Professor Stephen Boutcher has highlighted the […]

Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes

We have developed a step by step ultimate guide to reverse diabetes Click here to view the guide or keep reading... Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most common lifestyle diseases affecting 415 Million people globally and 1.7 Million Australians. Participation in regular exercise is vital to continue to prompt and train the muscles [...]