
10 Ways To Get Your Kids More Active

1. Make physical activity into a challenge

“I’ll race you to the tree.”

“Let’s see who can hold a plank the longest”

“I bet you can’t score 3 goals against me”


2. Do it with them

Go for a walk or bike ride together,


3. Youtube Dance Along Videos

You probably already know them and you have to love them. I never got into dancing as a kid but these days even I will get up and try some of the moves out with my little dudes.


4. Find Active Outings & Community Events

Have you ever been to a parkrun? You can just walk but its a great way to get out while being active. Beachside markets, school fates are great ways to get out and moving as a family.


5. Go on a mission to find the best local playground

This is one of our favourites and my family especially loves this game when we travel. We’ll check out all the playgrounds to pick our favourite then we can go back. Kids are always moving and they’re busy looking for the best each one has to offer.


6. Exercise or be active BEFORE TV & Games

Have you every woken up on a lazy rainy day and stayed in your PJ’s and turned on a movie? I bet you didnt move much that day! Once you get into the lazy mode it’s very hard to get out. So get moving first and then engage lazy mode later.


7. Give gifts that promote activity

Trampolines, basketball rings, balls, skipping ropes, that weird sticky hand ball throwing game thingy. Give your kids gifts that will encourage them to be more active.


8. Draw their attention to active role models

I mentioned parkrun earlier but even anywhere, if you see someone engaging in physical activity – especially if they are a role model – draw your kids attention to it. I love things like noting when the State of Origin players are warming up and explaining that they are preparing their bodies for the game so they can start to understand the reasons we should move and keep active.


9. Exercise yourself

This is one of the best ones. I know it’s not always possible for everyone but being an example yourself is one of the most effective ways. Sometimes we will do it without our kids seeing us and I think its vital for us to make sure that our kids know that we engaged if they can’t physically see us sweating.


10. Get a professional to help!

While a lot of the answers start at home, there are many situations where people rely on exercise professionals like Activate Clinic to get their kids more active.

  1. Parents lacking time – Time is everything, if you can’t find the time you can call on someone else to run the show
  2. Some kids listen better to others – We all know that our kids can be so much better behaved around others
  3. Disabilities – Sometimes specialised equipment is required ensure exercise is safe
  4. Shy & Introverted Kids – A private clinic environment with close support can be great at slowly chipping away and building confidence in exercise
  5. We can help build the things they’re not good at – It’s easier for parents to work on games and broad exercise than using the non dominant hand or engaging in some challenging balance tasks which we can help cover.
  6. Awkward health conversations – There are some areas where its best to have a third party discuss them with your kids – for example the health risks associated with obesity.


Visit our kids/paediatric exercise physiology page for more info – click here

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