We're confident that we can help you


Since we launched Activate Clinic we have seen a huge proportion of cases related to sciatica. That means there are likely millions of people all over the world suffering from sciatica at this moment!
However, one of the problems we have seen is that the treatment for sciatica often involves an endless cycle of medicine and/or surgery and the pain never actually gets solved. That’s just a terrible thought isn’t it!?

Luckily, we have found an answer!

By first fully investigating the specific trigger for your sciatica related pain, we can then prescribe specific exercises for you to work on restoring the body’s natural defense for nerve related pain.

There are many common causes of sciatica pain

Muscle Weakness

One of the main contributors of sciatic pain is simply, weak muscles. More specifically, muscles that you are using often throughout the day but they are running out of strength or endurance to continue working effectively.

Muscle Tightness

Weak muscles often lead to tight muscles which can irritate the sciatic nerve and result in sciatica pain. Participating in regular stretching of key muscles can be a critical strategy in relieving sciatica pain.

Lumbar Disc Problems

We often see sciatica pain attributed exclusively to lumbar disc problems like buldging discs or spondylosis. Although we do notice there can be a contribution from disc problems to sciatica, addressing the cause of disc problems can also be effective in relieving sciatica pain (improving core strength)

Improving Core Strength

Improving core strength is a major strategy that we implement. Core muscles help to brace the lumbar spine during lifting and dynamic activities. Our programs help target the improvement of core strength through staged exercises that help prepare the core muscles for everyday movements.

Fill out this form to find out what the cause of your sciatica pain cause might be

How Activate Clinic can help you get lasting relief from sciatica pain

Stage 1: Identify specific causes & triggers of your sciatica pain

We believe that everyone is unique.

What follows is that every injury is also unique. The pain may be in a similar area but each person has a specific trigger to their pain.

We go through a thourough assessment early to identify the areas that could be contributing to or causing your sciatica pain to persist. Once we identify these areas of concern, we can then develop a treatment tailored to your needs and goals.

Activate Clinic cures Sciatica

Stage 2: Sciatica Treatment Plan

Just as the cause of sciatica pain is unique, the treatment is usually wide ranging.

Once we’ve identified your causes of pain, we develop a treatment plan that’s tailored specifically to your needs.

Our treatment has a strong bias towards natural, exercise based remedies to pain that are based around strengthening weak muscles, building muscular endurance and improving muscle length.

We also believe that in order to fully solve the problem for good, we need to address areas in your everyday life that could be aggravating the sciatic nerve and bringing on pain and other symptoms. We’ll also provide tips, tools and strategies to reduce stress throughout your everyday life.


Your initial sciatica assessment is



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